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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思写作真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题之——教育类话题:Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education. To what extent do you agree government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background?(2012年9月6日写作真题)


Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education. To what extent do you agree government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background?





1 教育提高人们的工作能力

2 高等教育为社会培养综合型专业人才,促进社会的持续发展



1 并非社会要求每个人都必须是综合型专业人才,对技术工人的需要更大

2 政府在基础教育上已经投入大量财力,即使富裕的发达国家也无法支付所有大学生的学费

3 学生在大学所学的知识帮助他们就业,即学生本人也从大学学习中获得直接利益,因此应该负担一部分学费。

第四段: 大学学费应该视学生的经济状况决定收费方式,贫困学生应该得到国家的财政补贴或无息贷款,帮助他们完成大学课程


1. consensus 共识

2. controversial 有争议的

3. as long as 只要

4. willing 意愿

5. imposes tax 征税

6. allocate 分配

7. equip…with…使…具备…

8. specialized knowledge 专业知识

9. sustainable development 可持续发展

10. ensure 确保

11. in reality= in fact 实际上

12. affluent 富裕的

13. tertiary education= university education= higher education 高等教育

14. on top of = besides除了

15. compulsory education义务教育

16. skilled workers 技术工人

17. perspective 视角

18. in terms of 在…方面

19. academic knowledge 学术知识

20. empower 使…有能力

21. be employed 就业

22. independent economically经济独立

23. life learning skills 终生学习的能力

24. theoretical subject 理论课

25. Accordingly 因此

26. carry responsibility 承担责任

27. fund 资助

28. of great significance= significant 重大的

29. pragmatic 实际的

30. interest-free loan无息贷款

31. outstanding 优秀的

32. tuition fee 学费


There has always been a consensus opinion about who should pay for elementary or secondary education, but a controversial discuss has arisen about the responsibility of payment for higher education.


It is true that everyone has the right to get education including higher one as long as he or she has the willing and ability to reach. Providing education to the general public is the responsibility of any government that imposes tax and allocates part of it into such fundamental social sector as education. Universities equip students with specialized knowledge and skills which make capable labors for the society and ensure sustainable development of the society. However, in reality, totally depending on the government for university tuition fee is not a wise, pragmatic way of improving the educational level of a country.


In fact very few countries including many affluent developed ones are not able to offer free tertiary education to everyone on top of compulsory fundamental education. Meanwhile, no society requires every labor to be a professional, instead, a bigger proportion of skilled workers are needed in modern days. From another perspective to see this issue, students actually gain a lot from university not only in terms of academic knowledge which empower them to be employed and be independent economically,but also by gaining a clear perspective of life and life learning skills through theoretical subject study. Accordingly, students should also carry some financial responsibility.


In my opinion, the issue of university tuition fee is not only a personal matter, but also of great significance to the society as a whole. Both the government and students should take responsibility for the cost because they both benefit a lot. A practical suggestion can be that the government fund university education by offering interest-free loan to those poor but outstanding students.



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