
2018年1月13日雅思写作真题Task2 大作文高分参考范文

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2018年1月13场雅思大作文范文在此,各路考鸭速速来围观。本场雅思写作题目为社会类话题,题目:Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, but they should be concerned about the quality at work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关于员工上班时间的着装问题重要还是工作表现重要。范文来自雅思哥。范文自取:




Dress codes are sets of standards that companies develop to help provide their employees with guidance about what is appropriate to wear to work,/^ and they have been in effect, in all walks of life, for decades. While it seems that today many people have second thoughts about them, I believe they are put in place for a reason.

The formality of the workplace dress code is normally determined by the number and type of interactions employees have with customers or clients in the workplace. In workplaces, employees are expected to exhibit professionalism and integrity, the dress is often formal. This includes law offices, financial consulting firms, banks, and some large businesses. For example, if a company sends out plumbers or cable television installers, a uniform identifies them as the person hired. In some professions, dress codes are so strict that people call them uniforms. For example, people need to know who the police officer is. Therefore, a dress code is important because employees are representing the company or the organization, and it guarantees the smooth progress of work.

It is true that, over the years, employees have seen a shift towards a more casual dress standard, even in industries that were previously very formal. Startups and tech firms, in particular, tend towards a more casual dress code. Encountering someone in cotton pants and a casual shirt when visiting a Fortune 100 company instead of someone in a suit is very likely today. The change originates from the evolution of different corporate cultures and it does promote efficiency at work in most cases.

To conclude, I think all employers should figure out the expected business attire at work and keep their employees well-informed so as to deliver productivity at work.


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