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2018年1月18日的雅思写作话题为教育类话题,讨论话题有关大学的讲座授课在如今发达的科技发展下是否依然合理。题目:In the past, lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of student, but now with the development of technology for education, many people think there is no justification for attending lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?话不多说,范文自取:

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Nowadays, the strong development of technology affects to the large numbers of people, including teachers who use technology in teaching. There are both benefits and drawbacks, but in my opinion, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

On the one hand, using technology in teaching causes along many disadvantages. The most negative impact is that the school might invest heavily in classroom facilities. To illustrate, they must spend a lot of money on buying computers, projectors, attractive whiteboards with high cost, and they might construct some new building to contain those devices. An additional problem is that older lecturers who always use traditional methods of teaching often lack technological skills because of the difficulty of using new devices. Another minus can be seen that if teachers only use technology for teaching, the interactions between teachers and students will be reduction. This can be explained by the fact that the face-to-face lessons might disappear of the face of the Earth.

Despite these cons, however, I think that the pros are more important. The most crucial positive effect is that online lessons enable students to study anywhere and anytime. Specifically, they can join a class to study via a smartphone or a computer connecting the Internet. Another good point is that teachers could use some fantastic software to prepare their lessons with vivid image and sound effects such as using PowerPoint, Virtual screening of Chemical Library… Last but not least, students can do the tests or exams via computers without written by hand.

To sum up, in spite of its many minuses, the pros of using technology in teaching are more significant. The schools should invest modern technologies into teaching and learning to improve the quality of education.


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