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为大家带来2018年1月18日场的雅思写作范文,范文来自高分考生。本场雅思考试的话题为:In the past, lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of student, but now with the development of technology for education, many people think there is no justification for attending lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?大学讲座授课的教育方式在现代科技发展下,很多人认为已经没有存在的合理性。你在某种程度上同意或是不同意呢?话不多说,范文自取:

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Teaching is the transfering of information from one to another. But now new technologies are being introduced to teach large number of students at the same time. I will discuss in detail why I feel the right combination of these two bring wonderful results.

Education mould the individual and shape the character of a person. Teachers are professionals, who are trained to handle the students. They are not only impart academic knowledge but also moral values. Besides, they know the strength and weakness of each student and teach them accordingly, including special attention to poor academic pupils. Furthermore, for students, teacher is not only a person who help them in their studies, but also, a role model. For instance, they try to imitate dress code, walking style, intonation and so on. Teachers guide them and teach them towards the desirable behavior in the society, like helping mentality, respect to others, time management, and so forth. These important qualities make them a good human being.

However, technologies are inevitable for the betterment of our life. Computer and the Internet bring information about anything under the world in our finger tips. It is a good academic tool for students as well as teachers. To teach a large number of students over head projectors, C.D players, slides and so on, are very much helpful. It gives comfort and convenience to both teachers and pupils. At the same time, the instruction and inspiration of a person called teacher is essential to help the students to use these technologies effectively. Otherwise, students needed high determination and self-motivation, which is difficult to see in pupils, especially, young children.

To conclude, technologies are beneficial to teach a large number of students. But, itself alone is not sufficient for the same. The presence of a teacher, is demanding for effective teaching and learning process. If we are able to mix these two, in a good way, it will give better results than using alone.


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本文标题:18年1月18日雅思写作大作文高分范文:授课式大学教育 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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