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雅思写作题目:A large number of young people cannot finda job when they leave university. What problems will youth unemployment causefor individuals and for society? Give some measures to help reduceunemployment.


A large number of young people can not find a job afterleaving shool. what problems will youth unemployment cause for individuals andsociety? what measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemploymentamong young people?


The world is in for a worsening youth unemployment, with itscauses resembling their consequences. It goes without saying that youthunemployment needs to be tackled urgently, but this important task is anythingbut easy. However, if the microeconomics theory is of any use at all, it mustinclude explanations, but also solutions to such problems as are affectingschool leavers as individuals and society as the labor market.


In a time of the economic recession, there is always a highjobless rate among young people, compared to the overall unemployment rate.This may explain in part why a large number of young people who are leavingschool find it difficult to get a job. Particularly, youth unemployment spellsa variety of hardships in a society that is powerless to create jobs. Asunemployment balloons, competition among young individuals for jobs also rises,hence further pushing the society in general to tighten its belt, among otherunpopular measures.


Unfortunately, ways to create jobs for young people seem tobe mostly slow and often ineffective, and worse still, widely divided as an economicissue. For instance, some governments decide to take austerity measures,contrary to the argument that to cut public spending in the presence of highunemployment would be to ignore the lessons of history that are specificallynot in favor of young people looking for jobs. At another point, theexpectation that private employers would be able to hire enough to bring youthunemployment down remains only an expectation and not a cure-all for graduateunemployment. Neither is entrepreneurship a promising option for graduateemployment because the precarious character of working for oneself does notsuit everybody.


All in all, those are challenges for individuals and thesociety as a whole in the light of the current economic recession in whichyoung graduates are being severely affected. Accordingly, efforts from allsectors should lead to the assurance that the next decade would be one ofgrowth and not of high unemployment. Here are the problems, and it seems thatthe last thing to do is to embrace nature's cure and wait them out.



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