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雅思A类大作文The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?影视中的暴力情节需要管控,以减少社会里的暴力犯罪。

经典传送门:考官simon 9分写作范文共28篇大赏



Violent crime is a social ill that has no easy cure, whereas some suggest the government can reduce it by simply restricting violent contents on screens. I disagree with this view and instead I will argue that violence on screens does not necessarily contribute to violence in real life.

some people voice alarm seeing more and more violent scenes displayed in films or TV programmes in fear that they can lead copy crimes. One of their arguments may be that the bombardments of romantised violence may send a wrong message to the mass that violence is warranted or even aesthetically appealing. Another possible argument is that some wannabe offenders may use well-crafted violent details as some kind of textbooks, guidelines and source of inspirations to commit actual crimes. A typical case goes as follows: a gang copied the cruel but cunning trick to make money out of innocent lives from a public released film in China about two professional killers murdering fellow miners, disguising it as a mine accident and swindling a fortune from mine owners.

But as we approach this issue more closely, in fact, films and TV are great medium to inform and educate as well as entertain, even though it is about violence. No better way than a vivid screen depiction of violence can teach us the barbarity and senselessness of itself, and the tragic outcome it may bring. It is also an effective deterrence to crime since more often than not, violence on screens ends up as the violators being punished accordingly. Another notable point is life on screens can offer a valuable vicarious experience and thus make up for the sorriness felt on something we should not or cannot do in the real world. By viewing the imagined violence audience do find an opening to vent their negative feelings and that catharsis effect is real good.

The role the government should play here, I believe, is the introduction and enforcement of a content rating system. Some countries have already established proper ones and I suggest the others follow suit. Freedom of artistic creating and a worthy concern for violence contents on susceptible audience like young children can inclusively coexist.

In conclusion, violence on screens is not blame for violent crimes in our society and what the government really should do is formulating an effective rating system and revising it continually to the best possible version.

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本文标题:2017年5月20日雅思写作考试真题范文:控制犯罪[小雅版] - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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