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2018年4月21日场的雅思写作小作文考试,题目为:The graph below show the number of new homes built in a particular region in the UK from 2010 and shows the number predicted for 2020.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main feature, and make comparisons where relevant.请看由小站老师Alice.Hua出品的小作文范文。




The line chart illustrates the variation in the number of newly-built houses in four categories in a specific area of the UK from 2010 to 2018 and future projections to 2020.

The trend in three kinds of houses shows great similarity during the period. Starting from 2600, we can see that detached houses were the most popular ones. After rising to a peak at around 2800 in 2012, the figure has declined consistently to the 2010 figure and the drop seems more remarkable until 2020 when it is predicted to reach 2400. Terraced houses and semi-detached houses also follow an overall downward trend, with the former dropping from 1800 to 1600 and the latter from1500 to 1200, despite some fluctuation over the time frame.

Dramatic differences can be spotted in flats. In 2010, the least number of flats were built (around 1200), but the number successively exceeded that of semi-detached houses, terraced houses and now overtakes that of detached houses and will reach almost 2900 in the end, dominating the housing market.

Overall, the graph shows how flats have increased dramatically in the number while the popularity of the other three types has dropped over the period.


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