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考鸭们都知道,雅思写作话题有一个历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh negative effects?——2015年12月5日传媒类雅思写作真题




In the times when the consumption pervades, the public are bombarded with relentless advertising in a wide range of media. Some cynics tend to regard advertisements as the source of some morbid behavior and trend, I hold the view that advertising can play an active part in many social and personal dimensions.


Some advertisements, if viewed in the light of art, are of great aesthetic value and can present the audience or the spectators a sense of enjoyment. A piece of meticulously-made advertisement is usually characterized by ingenious plot, unique protagonists and the first-class audio and visual effect. There is no doubt that this kind of advertisement is beyond the simple definition of marketing tool and the consumers who enjoy these can be well impressed and will be saturated in an atmosphere which can be evenly matched by the beauty of other forms of arts such as music and movies.


Besides, advertising is also an effective way which can proliferate information and narrow the gap between those who intend to send out the right information and the corresponding recipients. For example, some public service advertisements can inform the viewers some advocated social values such as altruism, frugality and dedication to work. Some commercials, though it is more profit-oriented, can also convey the information concerning some specification of products.


The flipside of advertising lies in the occasional occurrence of misleading and deceptive information, which will undermine the basic rights of consumers. Also, the individuality of consumers is likely to fade away as the commercials endorsed by some celebrities will make consumers buy some similar products without considering their own needs.


In conclusion, advertising should be embraced in a more diverse and well-rounded society, though some minor drawbacks cannot be neglected.



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