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2018年3月15日场的雅思考试已经结束,为大家带来最新雅思写作真题及参考范文。本场雅思写作题目是:Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competitions. Others argue that it would be better if these countries can spend the money on children to take part in sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2012年9月1日考试真题,社会类话题)



Traditionally, some people hold the belief that spending money on training elite competitors(培训精英选手) to shine on the international stage(在国际舞台功成名就) is worthwhile. Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to believe that a country should invest more in youngsters' physical exercises, and therefore stimulate their interest for taking part in sports from an early age.

支持的理由:如果考虑到大众,尤其是青少年运动设施的贫乏,支持顶级运动员的设施有点本末倒置(put the cart before the horse),因为孩子是国际的未来,只有他们的身体有保障,国家的未来才更有希望。

Some people believe that it is not worthwhile to finance the sports competitors merely for the purpose of achieving success in the arena if we take the poor situation of mass sports into consideration(考虑到). Lack of physical exercise has become a huge problem among citizens, particularly teenagers, as the construction and maintenance(建设和维护) of sports facilities is underfunded(资金不足). Actually, children's sports activities are more beneficial for the future development of a nation as sports can ensure children maintain energetic and keep good physical condition in the future study so that they deserve more financial support from the government as well as sponsors (赞助商)of sports events.

让步段说支持运动员也有好处,主要是通过在国际上展现国家的体育实力,可以提高国家的国际形象和声望(improve the image and prestige internationally),但是毕竟这些设施比较专业和高级,只有少数运动员才能使用,普通大众很难从中受益。

Admittedly, global sports contests not only provide audience with a perfect opportunity to enjoy the excellent performances of athletes but also provide host countries(主办国) a perfect chance to present the sporting success in front of global political and business leaders who are highly likely to watch live broadcast via satellite relays(卫星转播). However, squandering(挥霍) money in supporting competitors to take part in worldwide sports competitions seems to bring little actual effect to general public. It is largely because there are only a few top athletes having the chance to win the medals but their routine training demands high-standard facilities and athletic ground which can hardly be used by ordinary people.


In conclusion, when countries raise fund for sports or celebrate the victory of their athletes, they should not neglect the fact that many children are in great need of(急需) sports facilities.


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