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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思作文真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文——社会类话题:Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?(2014年1月11日写作真题)

雅思写作思路:这篇议论文比较简单,只是讨论一下交通拥堵的解决办法。但是,考生们要注意审题,出现the best, the only这些字眼的,在逻辑上通常是不能完全肯定的。另外,反对the best way的时候,最好给出其它的有效的解决办法。





关键词:change jobs



2.advantages or disadvantages


Para 1: introduction

Para 2:

The reasons

1)Young people have found their real interests in other areas

2)They want a promotion in their fields


There are both advantages and disadvantages in this.

1) Young people get more accumulation in different areas

2) If change their fields ,they will start with nothing


Nowadays, there is an increasing tendency for young people to change their occupations after a fewyears7 work The reasons will be elaborated on in the following passage, and for this issue, my personal view is that both benefits and downsides exist in changing a job.


The reasons why lots of youngsters decide to change their jobs should be divided into two main parts. First of all, it is generally received di at most graduates give priority to payments, reputations as well as the conventions of society in pursuing their very first job. Scant regard is paid to their real interests and capacities, which eventually let boredom with the haunt them. The other youngsters, however, respond to this dilemma wisely. Indeed, their gift and potential in their work has gradually reveal themselves, which is coupled with other fantastic skills, such as good interpersonal relationship, excellent capabilities in problem-solving and organizing paving the way for another decent job.


The pros and cons of changing a job are contingent upon the influence it brings to people. The proponents argue that die accumulation of knowledge in different areas will be possible, which contributes to the development of comprehensive characteristics. For instance, people may learn some communication skills in a HR position while professional skills in a basic position. Nevertheless, crisis actually hides itself in the transformation to a new job, since people should go di rough an uncomfortable adaptation period that what you learn from the previous job will find no way to be adopted in a totally new field.


To sum up, young people w ant to change their jobs because of the lack of interests as well as promotions opportunities in tfi at job. Even though both benefits and downsides exist, the young generation should have a clear view of whether to choose a new occupation or not.



occupation 工作,职位

be elaborated on 被拟定

give priority to 把优先权给···

reputation 名声

is coupled with 加上···

proble-solving ability 处理问题的能力

decent job 体面的工作

are contingent upon 取决于

accumulation 积累

adaptation period 适应期

find no way to 无法,不能


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本文标题:2018年雅思写作真题范文之:青年人频繁跳槽的利弊 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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