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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思写作真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题之——抽象类话题:Some people think personal happiness is closely related to economic success, while others believe that this depends on other factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2012年10月11日写作真题)


Some people think personal happiness is closely related to economic success, while others believe that this depends on other factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



如果一方的观点过于绝对,出现类似“every”“all”“the only”,等关键字,建议考生在最后个段落中不同意此方观点。此题一方观点中“directly”过于绝对。但即便如此,考生需要用一个段落阐述快乐部分取决于经济上的成就。



第二段: (论述为什么经济上的成功在一些程度上是人快乐。)

人们对生活的满意程度部分取决于一个人的经济上的成就。我们生活在一个世界里,身在其中的绝大部分人将一个人的赚钱能力同一个人的社会地位相等同。当一个人必须经常考虑如何能找到体面的工作来缓解家庭经济压力时,他无法真正享受生活。当一个人能在一天赚的钱比他人一个月转得更多时,他更有可能获得别人的尊重,这种尊重is widely thought to be closely related to one’s sense of fulfillment.

People’s contentment with life is partly determined by their economic achievement, which could be explained by the fact that we are living in a world where most people associate one’s ability to make money with one’ social status. An individual, constantly having to consider how to relieve his family of economic burden, is deprived of the chance to enjoy life. And a worker capable of earning within a month what others cannot earn within a year is more likely to gain respect from others,and this sense of being esteemed is widely thought to be related to one’s sense of fulfillment.

第三段:(论述其他因素同样影响一个人对生活的满意度。这些因素包括:一个人是否有归属感, 工作中的成就感,认同感。)


However, economic success is not necessarily the only criterion for measuring how people feel about life. Their sense of identity is also a decisive factor for their happiness. We are living in a social net, which allows us to be approved by others and to have a knowledge of which community we belong to. An individual unable to set aside enough time for family union would fail to feel satisfied, despite the great wealth he could create. Besides, recognition that what one is doing could contribute to others also brings happiness, which could not be acquired by coins.



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