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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思写作真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题之——社会类话题:In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What are the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?(2012年7月21日写作真题)


In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What are the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?



第二段:问题的原因1农民工和小城市的年轻人涌向大城市就业导致人口剧增,城市扩大,出行距离增加;2 大城市交通设施落后,无法容纳剧增的车辆。3 国家政策鼓励人们买车,以刺激经济发展。





1. major cities 大城市

2. heavy traffic 车辆拥挤

3. problematic 成问题的

4. due to= because of 因为

5. lead to= cause导致

6. young generation 年轻一代

7. expand 扩张

8. cover further distance 走的更远

9. well function 运转正常

10. purchase= buy 购买

11. enhance 加强

12. stimulate 刺激

13. domestic 国内的

14. metropolis 大都市

15. dense population 人口密集

16. density 密度

17. satellite cities 卫星城

18. pragmatic 务实的

19. approach 方法

20. decentralize 分散

21. squeeze 挤

22. feature 主要特征是

23. exclusive 专用的

24. self-sufficient 自给自足的

25. in contrast 相反

26. route 路线

27. courtesy 礼貌

28. capacity 容量

29. vehicle 交通工具

30. ease the pressure 减轻压力

31. in terms of 在…方面


In some major cities in my country, China, heavy traffic becomes increasingly problematic to commuters. This situation can be due to the fast pace of urban development.


The migration policy in China leads rural peasants to big cities. Also the convenient modern facilities and business opportunities in urban areas attract young generation in smaller towns seeking a reasonable career. While cities are expanding, the travellers have to cover further distance than they used to. Unluckily the public transport system built years ago is not well functioning. It is at this point that car purchase sounds reasonable. On top of this, the political will of enhancing economy should be responsible for various urban issues including traffic congestion. In order to stimulate domestic consumption, the public are encouraged to own their private cars, but in metropolises with dense population, such lifestyle is hard to be sufficiently supported.


To deal with traffic issue, some actions can be taken. Firstly, satellite cities can be a pragmatic approach to decentralize urban resource, thereby reducing urban population density. These satellite cities featuring self-sufficient can largely reduce daily travel if people are encouraged to live near their workplace or their school. Exclusive avenues for cycling can be set so that short-distance travellers would like to choose riding a bike instead of squeezing in a bus.


Public transport should be improved in terms of route, timing, comfortableness and service courtesy so as to encourage commuters to take. The larger capacity of public vehicles compared with private cars can effectively ease the traffic pressure on city roads.


In contrast, private cars should be discouraged from using for short distance travel. The approaches include charging a high parking fee, more expensive petrol or restricting in driving days.



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