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考研英语作文范文( 提纲图表式作文 )

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Directions: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay must meet the requirements below.
Show your understanding of the meaning of the picture below
State the harmful effects of fake and inferior products
Suggest ways to fight against fake and inferior products




As the picture given depicts, the socialist market-oriented economy in our country is developing rapidly, just like a truck running at a high speed. But the general public is surprised to find that there are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our marker economy. Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers who make fake and inferior products.

There is no doubt that fake and inferior products are extremely harmful. In the first place, they endanger people’s health, giving rise to a lot of injury accidents. For instance, inferior-quality medicines not only aggravate a patient’s condition, but also tend to threaten his life and, what’s worse, to result in his death. Secondly, fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap. In many cases they interfere with the normal economic order in our country, affecting the market of many high-quality goods. This in a great degree, hinders the development of our socialist market economy and harms the interests of our state. Therefore, we can say that fake and inferior products are a dangerous “tumor” in our healthy economy, which must be cut away as soon possible.

In my opinion, several strong measures should be adopted to fight against fake and inferior products. On the one hand, those who make them must be severely punished by the law. On the other hand, due to the growing complexity of the market, consumers are often faced with deceptive practices. Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace. Hence, consumers should learn to discern between true and false. Only in this way can they defend their own legal rights and interests.

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