"Be the first to be concerned with the world's troubles and thelast to enjoy worldly happiness."Fan Zhongyan,a scholar ofthe Song Dynasty,expresses eloquently the lofty spirit of Chinese intellectuals inhis maxim. On realizing that the cause of China's lack of development was itsbackwardness in science and technology,many modern scholarsaccordingly went to Western countries to study.
如: Why are foreigners so glad that barriers have been dismantled?China has a population of 1.2 billion,and US $1 000billion of GDP. It is a country with one of the fastest economic growth ratesin the world. China's entry into the WTO will therefore enable all economicentities in the world to expand trade and investment,bringingbenefits to enterprises,consumers and workers in these countries.
It is reported that from 1995 to 1998,the number of carsin Shanghai rose at the rate of 20%,but the averagespeed of cars dropped at the rate of 30%. It should be noticed that 43% ofadded cars during the period of 1995~1998 is privatecars. Therefore some people point out that the most effective way to solve thetraffic problem is to ban private cars. But I think they have gone extremelyfar away.
This report is divided into three main sections: whatequipment you need,how to use equipment,and how to maintain equipment.
On the whole,life in China has become better after 30 years,Ordinarypeople now enjoy a more colorful life than before. Though some problems havearisen in the progress,we still can't deny this positive trend.
It is essential that effective measures should be taken to redresssuch inequality.
It is high time that we should urge an immediate end to thisphenomenon.
Psychological health of the youth should be concerned by oursociety. On being advised by his school that he should leave after failingseveral exams,a Beijing university student decided to commit suicide,but firstkilled his father and grandmother so as to spare their grief at his own death.A 13-year-old Sichuan Province girl ran away from home recently in pursuit ofher favorite movie star,and has not been seen since. Isn't there anything wrong withpsychological health of the youth?
All of us wish for a bright future and hope to master a usefulcareer. Those who persist in remaining idle will never fulfill their ambitions, "Nopains,no gains" is a motto with much meaning. Meditate and live byit.
China's reforms have brought China a lot of benefits and havechanged Chinese people's life a great deal. A lively atmosphere has prevailedin all walks of fields throughout the country. The national economy has beenthriving and national defense has ever been consolidated. In science andtechnology,quite a lot of achievements have been made. Certainly,the progressmade in all fields has led to the raise of living standard for Chinese people.