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Several months ago, a good news swept on China that Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize forliterature. After this big event, Mo Yan, the first Chinese resident to win the prize, has been thecrispy fried chicken among China. Gaomi County in Shandong Province becomes a touristattraction because of his popularity. For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report thisexciting news. People are rushing to the bookstores to buy his famous book and some are evenout of stock.

Generally speaking, his award means a lot to China, especially Chinese literature. The Nobel Prizefor literature is a dream of Chinese literary field and all Chinese people. However, as a largecultural country that owns countless classic works, China had no winner of the Nobel Prize forliterature which had become a great pity. Therefore, this prize finishes a pile wish of Chinesepeople. In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people can reada book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society. I think this exciting news will inspirepeople’s enthusiasm towards literature, which is a great motivation to the development ofliterature. This is what we are happy to see.


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