

阅读 :


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Business should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.


  After I get my degree, I plan to start a business. My goal is to make money, a lot of money. However, I can’t forget that there are more important things in life than earning a profit. I must consider the people I work with, the customers I serve, and the community I live in.

  My colleagues are a very important part of my business. Without them, I would not have a business. I depend on them to help me carry on the day-to-day operations. I depend on them for their advice on what to sell and how to sell it. I must compensate them for their work. I can’t take large profits without sharing with the people who made it responsible.

  Similarly, I would not have a business without my customers. I can never forget that they could take their business elsewhere. I must give them good value for their money. I can’t overcharge them. I must also remember that money is as important to them as it is to me. I want my customers to trust me and keep coming back.

  My employees and I all live in the same community as our customers. We are apart of the social life of our community. We can’t ignore it. We must play an active part in it. I feel it is important that some of the profits my business earns from the community be returned to the community. We need to support community programs like summer jobs for high school students, campaigns to clean up the parks, and efforts to make the shopping area more attractive.

  A business must make profits, but we all—workers, customers, community—must profit from a successful business.

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