

阅读 :




  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? With the help of technology, studentnowadays can learn more information and learnit more quickly. Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Technology has greatly improved the way we getinformation. Students can now get more information,get it more quickly, and get it more conveniently.

  The Internet and the World Wide Web has opened every major library and database tostudents around the world. Information comes not only in print form, but also in multimedia.You can get audio and video data. You can get information about event in the past as well asevents that unfold as you watch your computer monitor.

  Information comes at the speed of the Internet, which is to say in nanoseconds. You cantype in a few key words in your search engine, and the engine will search the entire www to findinformation on your topic. You don't have to spend hours pouring over card catalogs in thelibrary and looking at the shelves. This research is done for you instantly on the Web.

  It is certainly more convenient to sit at home and do research on your computer. Yourcomputer is open 24 hours a day, unlike a library or office, which has limited hours and limitedresources. You can do research in your pajamas while you eat breakfast. What could be moreconvenient?

  Technology, especially the Internet, has certainly changed the quantity and quality of theinformation we get. The speed and convenience of a computer helps students learn more,more quickly.

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