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  To start, with the astonishing advancing rate of technological progression and innovation in recent years, cutting-edge technology (尖端技术) has been applied to domestic-made phone, and China’s independent mobile phone brands have risenby leaps and bounds (突飞猛进地), which fundamentally enhances its cost performance and competition.



  In addition, it must be pointed out that with people’s disposable income growing and the price of domestically-produced cars falling significantly, domestic automobiles enter more and more families as a necessary means of transportation, thus promoting the automobile industry.


  From my perspective, as a result of the boom in the automobile industry, the total number of vehicles in cities has witnessed a great increase, raising concerns about the environmental pollution and the traffic jam. Therefore, we should take effective measures to, if not avert, mitigate such problems.




  Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should

  1)interpret the chart, and

  2)give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


  Emerging from the bar chart are the significant changes in the number of the private cars in a city during the period from 2013 to 2015. To be specific, the past three years has witnessed a steady increase in the number of the private cars from approximately 5 million to 5.5 million.

  What has triggered this phenomenon? Firstly, with the fast development of economy, the living standard together with the income of citizens in this city has been greatly improved. Therefore, a considerable number of people can afford a car. Secondly, the car industry, especially the self-owned brand ones in recently years, has experienced a rapid advancement, which has led to the decrease of the price of private cars. Last but not the least, individuals show more concern about the faster and more convenient way of traveling.

  By observing the past trends, we may forecast that the growth tendency will continue. However, the inevitable impact or consequence that the rise of private cars number brings, such as the traffic pressure and increasingly serious air pollution, should also be attached greater importance to.

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