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  A university degree used to mean more in the past than it does today. Those students with "hot" degrees like computer science or finance are more likely to get a job than someone with a "cold" degree like music or geography. Should universities give priority to practical or traditional courses?


  Interest Is the Best Teacher

  Should practical courses such as finance or computer science take precedence over traditional ones like Chinese or philosophy on account of employability? Personally, I disagree with the assertion.

  First, the crux of the matter is for students to pursue a subject that interests them. Admittedly, one might attain a satisfactory salary working in the field of finance. Yet, if the individual makes the choice of studying finance entirely out of the consideration of' money, it is very likely that he will have to sacrifice his passion in exchange for monetary reward, Thousands of people are trapped in a job that they cannot stand; and in retrospect, they often regret that they have forgone their true interests, In addition, one's passion in a certain subject is one of the prerequisites to make a difference. A large number of successful people have professed that the ultimate secret of their achievement lies in the fact that they love what they do. Therefore, they are constantly motivated to go the extra mile and exert more effort.

  In the final analysis, albeit that it seems to be a prevalent trend to choose one's major based on the prospective salary, I believe that one can only live life to the fullest by following one's heart Therefore, universities should not be too utilitarian or unduly focus on practicality; instead, learning institutions should provide students with the courses that they really enjoy. (234 words)


  1.Universities are obliged to furnish a well-rounded education.


  2.People often feel out of their element if they have been misplaced in afield which does not appeal to them at all.


  3.Pragmaticism often undermines the underpinning purpose of higher education.


  4.Universities by nature should be all-encompassing.


  5.Students should be able to choose from a wide range of subjects offered by universities.


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本文标题:英语专四作文满分范文(三十三):实用性课程VS.传统课程 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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