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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!





  Some students like classes where teachers lecture (a teacher-centred class) while other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking (a student-centred class). Which type of class do you prefer?


  Both Teacher-Centred and Student-Centred Classes Are Needed

  I concede that there are virtues in both forms of classes and my preference as to which one is more advantageous will have to be based on the type of course in question.

  On the one hand, if the lesson is mainly language-oriented, such as oral English classes, it makes perfect sense to let the pupils take the driver's seat. Teachers are mainly in the class to facilitate the process. After all, the ultimate means of acquiring a foreign tongue is to speak it. Furthermore, it is undeniable that students tend to be more enthusiastic towards classes in which they can participate and interact. On the other hand, if the main objective of a lesson is for the teacher to impart some underlying principles regarding a certain subject, I believe it will be beneficial if the class is conducted in a teacher-centred fashion. Students can discuss the subject involved only after they have gained a good grasp of the fundamental principles. In addition, classes of the lecture type will provide teachers with more control in terms of the content as well as the pace of the lesson.

  In summary, from my standpoints, which type of class will be better suited to serve its purpose should largely be judged on a case-to-case basis. I believe that the optimal outcome can only be achieved through a combination of the two forms. (229 words)


  1.Students will be keener towards learning if they are granted the opportunity to participate in group discussion.


  2.Also,a sense of collaboration can be cultivated in pupils through discussion.


  3.Pupils will learn to respect divergent point of views.


  4.Teachers can lead students to the right track right from the beginning via lectures.


  5.Lectures by nature tend to deprive students of the opportunity to have their say.


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本文标题:英语专四作文满分范文(三十二):课堂该以谁为中心? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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