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  Many tourists when travailing abroad inadvertently off end foreigners by not being familiar with local customs of politeness and etiquette. Write an essay on the importance of etiquette when traveling abroad.


  The Importance of Etiquette When Travelling Abroad

  Knowing how to behave while travelling abroad is now becoming almost as important as remembering to pack your passport. I would like to suggest two reasons why this is so.

  First, it is important to realize that we are not just lone travellers but representatives of our countries. A British tourist who offends Spanish local mores by acting in an impolite manner is also by proxy offending that country. And it is our nationality that will be remembered more than our personal identity. It is often said that "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." which means that tourists should adopt the local customs by behaving as local people do. Second, we should regard ourselves as guests of our host county. The Chinese are famous for being hospitable to "friends from afar" but how would we feel if our guests rewarded that hospitality with outright contempt for our society's civilized past and present by behaving in an uncouth manner. We would be rightly justified in evicting such "friends" from our homes.

  In conclusion, adopting local customs of etiquette when travelling abroad helps to give foreigners a good impression of our country and reminds us that we are honoured guests who should respect our hosts. (206 words)


  1.If we treat our neighbours with respect then they will do likewise to us.


  2.We should regard ourselves as diplomats representing our country.


  3.We learn far more about a country’s values by adopting the good things into our everyday lives.


  4.Learning about other people's etiquette shows respect for them as a people and individuals.


  5.Politeness is a two-way thing;1 learn about their social customs and respond accordingly.


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本文标题:英语专四作文满分范文(四十六):在国外旅游时的礼仪 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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