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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!




  In a pluralistic society we attach great importance to interpersonal relationships, cooperation and tolerance. However, distinctions between relationships are very often ill-defined, which can lead to considerable misunderstandings and interpersonal conflicts.Suggest ONE way in which misunderstandings can be averted?


  Respect.One Another's Differences

  We hear, but we don't listen. We don't absorb the points being made. What causes this breakdown in communication? It's simply because we have different backgrounds, experiences, and histories. To counter and prevent misunderstanding we need to respect each other's differences.

  Firstly, our need to be understood and appreciated should be based on the knowledge of other people's differences. We have different points of view because of our different backgrounds. When you feel yourself disagreeing with someone, ask yourself how his world view differs from yours. Puffing yourself in his shoes and trying to understand his point of view, you may be surprised to learn you are in complete agreement. Secondly, the best way to get others to respect your beliefs is by respecting theirs. You may understand their point but still disagree with it. If you opinion is different, of course, you want others to respect your right to disagree. Often disagreements arise because we focus on the words being used instead of focusing on the speaker. Although we understand these words, we interpret them differently. So it is useful trying to understand and respect the person.

  To conclude, the way we view the world and interpret events differs. These differences easily lead to conflicts. The first step toward eliminating misunderstanding is to respect other people's differences and beliefs. (220 words)


  1.We can almost end misunderstanding if we empty our minds of biases, preconceptions,arrogance,narrow-mindedness,and stereotyping


  2.AS long as we realize that two monologues do not make a dialogue, and communication does not mean others must agree with us,we should do all right.


  3.Communicate with brevity and in generic terms in order to allow the recipient to fill in the positive or negative touch of the message. You job is to predict the best moment for the message to arrive.


  4.Letting the recipient fill in his expectation is the smarter choice, leading to less arguments and ultimately eliminating fights over conflicting perceptions.


  5.Reiterating endlessly is what most people do most of the time only to run into even more arguments.


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