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  As we can see from the picture, a weary-looking woman, with her little sleeping son clung to her back, is cleaning and polishing shoes for a well-dressed lady. The dressy lady is also with his son, a boy, high-flying, fashionably-dressed, apparently from a well-to-do family. The picture is heart-rending-- a dramatic view of the widening gap between rich and poor in our nation.

  Although a lot of efforts have been put into bridging the gap, the situation is far from optimistic. Take the uneven development of our nation for example. On one side of the picture, some people in the developed areas of country are enjoying almost everything that modern civilization can offer---- luxury cars, expensive houses and other devices for comfortable life. The other side of the picture is that in some underdeveloped areas, a lot of people are still living in sheer poverty. They do not have the minimal means of living, even no money for the education of the young. Looking at all these, how can we stay aloof and easy?

  Our nation is building up a harmonious society. If we don’t do something to harmonize the situation by achieving common welfare for all the people, how can we accomplish that noble goal? As a famous man put it, “If we can not help the many who are poor, then we can not save the few who are rich.” Effective measures need to be taken to help the poor so that we can work towards a harmonious nation where the rich is just and the poor secure.

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