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  The Best Way to Keep a HarmoniousRelationship in Dormitory


  When we mention the phrase “dormitory life”, avision of wild parties and loud music probably popsinto our mind. It is true that dormitory relationshipcan easily run into trouble, confusion and tensionfor all kinds of reasons. But is there anything we cando to solve this problem? For me, the best way iscommunication.


  Communication is vital to any relationship, especially to dormitory relationship. Studentssharing the same dorm come from different family backgrounds and thus have different lifestyles, habits and characters. Without communication, misunderstanding will be frequentand unavoidable. In the practice of communication,roommates should, first of all, shareopenly their expectations on issues, such as cleanliness, visitation, music, study time andlights out, before they have problems and get out of control. Once common understanding hasbeen reached, we get the guide for our everyday conducts. Furthermore, it may be necessary tomake adjustments as new issues may constantly arise in the future life. Therefore,continuous communicationis by all means necessary for us to avoid possiblemisunderstanding or conflicts.


  In conclusion, we may be able to enjoy a harmonious dormitory relationship by means ofcommunication, and in this case the dormitory may become our second sweet home awayfrom home.


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