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  Can Wealth Bring Happiness?


  Wealth and happiness always have countless ties. Onthe one hand, wealth can satisfy our material desiresand therefore sometimes meet our spiritual needs.On the other hand, wealth can also bury our heads inthesand and bring misfortune to us at times. It’sreally hard to answer the age-old question “Canwealth bring happiness?”


  In my point of view, I don’t agree that wealth can bring happiness. I conceive of the two as notabsolutely related. Happiness is not something that can be measured by wealth, but by thestate of mind. For one thing, we all know that the world’s wealth has soared during thetwentieth century, and economists expect it to continue rising in the decades ahead. Does thatmean that we humans are happier than our ancestors? I’m afraid the answer must be “no” or “itdepends”.


  Whether we are happy or not is determined by our state of mind. Wealth can buy us somematerial things butcannot free us from sadness or worries. For another, wealth can not bringhappiness, neither can poverty. It’s a mistake to assume that wealth will affect everyone inthe same way. Being rich or poor, people make choices about how they treat wealth, and thosechoices can boost happiness or undermine happiness.


  All in all, the amount of wealth doesn’t represent the degree of happiness. Happiness can’t beweighed by wealth. It has no absolute relation to wealth, but as a kind of feeling in our hearts itonly rests withour own mind.


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