
中国成语寓言故事90:Having a Foot in Both Camps东食西宿(双语)

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    In ancient times, a girl in the State of Qi had reached marriageable age. Two families delivered betrothal gifts to propose marriage.


    In the family on the east, the young man was short and ugly, but the family was rich. The family on the west was very poor, but the young man was handsome and talented.


    The girl's parents considered the matter from different angles,but were unable to come to a decision. So they called the girl andlet her make her own decision.


    Seeing the daughter lower her head, blushing and shy, the father said:


    "If you are too shy to tell your decision, you can do it by exposing your arms. If you like the son of the family on the east, expose your right arm; if you like the son of the family on the west, expose your left arm."


    After pondering for some time, the girl silently exposed both her arms.


    "Now what does this mean?" her parents asked in surprise.


    "I…,,’the girl said bashfully. "I want to dine in the family on the east, and sleep in the family on the west."


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