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为什么你应该从现在就开始写英文博客? China Classifieds!



  Lately, I read a piece of interesting news, it said Asia has new three treasures, they are the plastic surgery from Korea, transsexualism from Thailand and taking picture from China, it is obvious that people play the jokes about these countries. In China, people indeed like to taking pictures of themselves now and then, some even can’t control themselves, some doctors call this behavior a kinds of illness.


  People like to take pictures no matter where they are. When we go to the qq zone, we can see our friends’ situations, they will send the pictures on the qq zone, so we can share their information. But as for me, I will feel it nonsense to send the pictures such the food they eat, the clothes they wear and so on. When I have dinner with my friends, the first thing they do is to take the picture instead of enjoying the delicious food.


  Now some doctors has pointed out that the behavior of being addicted to taking picture is kind of illness. People’s may forces them to take pictures every time. Some people want to attract others’ attention, so they do this. We should open our hearts, enjoy the beautiful scenery with our hearts and minds.


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