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  Today, people pay special attention to their outlooks, we must admit that outlook is important, so people choose to do the plastic surgery, making themselves perfect outside. As more and more people affected by the same standard of beautiful outlook, so people who do the plastic surgery almost look the same. If everyone looks the same, will it be good?


  A gradate girl made a small film about people’s opinion about outlook. In the film, a girl named Lucy, falls in love with a handsome boy, but her appearance is not so lovely, she has small eyes and a flat nose. She tries hard to court him, but he rejects her. One day, while walking on the street, she is sucked into a machine. After some processing, Lucy comes out as a beauty. Now will she win the heart of her beloved? The film doesn’t out the answer.


  What is the standard makes Lucy think what should a beauty look like? There is no doubt that she is affected by the audience’s ideas. When we watch TV, we may find the beautiful heroins almost look like all the same, they share the same features. So the girls imitate them, making themselves look like them. I think the feature people own makes them look special, if they change their faces, looking like other beauties, they lose their features, what a pity.


  People should be proud of who they are, accepting their original faces, the different features make them special.


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本文标题:专四作文范文:如果每个人看起来都一样呢? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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