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  When you hear this topic, you may wonder how dare I can say this! As we all live in 21th century, the information age, we need advertisement as a tool to delivery information from one to another. Undoubtedly, it is more convenient for us to know more about information through advertisements. However, everything has two sides, including advertisements, after you hear what I will say next you will touch the feeling “advertisement is a curse” the same as me.


  Please image that you live in a small house where there are fulfilled with various advertisements tapped around the wall, how do you feel in this situation? Of course, it is terrible, isn’t it? Actually, it is a common phenomenon existing around us. As you see, there are some advertisement tapped on our desks and the wall of the teaching building, you can even find them in the toilet. Although it can give us some information, it is true that it leads to low level of beauty of our environment. These advertisements are also called “psoriasis”, which becomes a hot potato in the aspect of environmental governance.


  However, existence is reasonable; you cannot clear away all the advertisements. It will be better if you can keep the balance between its advantages and disadvantages and try to make good use of advertisements.


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本文标题:专四作文范文:广告是诅咒 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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