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  When September comes, it means the new semester begins. For the freshmen, they are so excited about the campus life, for they have worked so hard to realize this dream. They need to leave their parents and live in the dormitory. For the better college life, it is important to create a harmonious phenomenon.


  To create a harmonious dormitory, first, students need to understand each other. In the college, there are students from all the cities and the culture is different. It is easy to have the cultural conflict. So students need to be tolerated and learn to be considerate. Second, it is better to have more communication. Though roommates are from different places, there is no need to stop communicating. They can go out for some activities, so that they can build relationship and become intimate friends.


  A harmonious environment is very helpful for students. They can no longer miss home and when they are in trouble, friends will always come to help in the first time. Students can also cultivate with the good character.


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本文标题:专四满分作文:一个和谐的宿舍 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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