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  In the 21st century, the talent quality of hardworking and dependable is no longer the only thing that the enterprise required. In fact, those two qualities are the basic constitution, now the requirement of talent is more comprehensive. The perspective to define a talent is different now.


  First, the enterprise prefers the one who could combine innovate and practice. Basically, the value comes from innovate, but only after combined with the innovation and practice, can the value work the maximal effect. We can not be restricted to the repetitive tasks. We should always keep creating new ideas.


  Second, the enterprise is more fancy the cross-domain talent. 21st century is the century that combines different field and industry. The modern society and enterprise is no only require specializing to the professional field, but also to know about the relevant major and field, combine them and solved the problems effective.


  Finally, the IQ, EQ, SQ issue. When we define one man is successful or not, we do not look into his academic record or intelligence quotient (IQ), but the balance development of intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and spiritual quotient.


  To sum up, if we want to survive in this competitive society, we need a comprehensive development to adapt to the requirement of the modern enterprise, or we will eliminated by the society.


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本文标题:2016专四作文范文:现代企业最想要的人才类型 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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