

阅读 : 195 次




  Most children used to start attending school at their six or seven years old while nowadays more and more children in cities start attending school from a young age. Concerning this phenomenon, some people hold that it is good for children’s development to attend school in an earlier age while others entertain opposite opposition. From my point of view, I am inclined to support the former one. The reasons are as following.


  First, to attend school from a young age provides a better environment for children to grow up healthier, especially those children in cities. With the need of work, many parents in cities cannot spend a lot of time with their children and that will influence children developing healthy. In contrary, if children have a chance to attend school at their earlier age, they will get more chance to play with their fellows, which is good for them to have an unforgettable childhood.


  Second, it is helpful for children to independent from their parents. If children attend school from a young age, they will be taught to deal with their own things at an earlier age and learn to be independent.


  Finally, to attend school from young age, children have more chance to meet with different people and encounter various situations, which has a contribution to their adaptation to society and their practice of strain capacity.


  Therefore, I advocate that children should attend school from a young age. However, parents also need to spend more time with their children at the same time so that they can have more chance to communicate with each other.


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