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  It is a serious phenomenon that a large number of college students in our country cannot talk with others in English or speak English fluently or correctly. What would result in this phenomenon and how can we solve this problem?


  As far as I am concerned, several reasons can account for this phenomenon and I would like to list some of them. First, lack of practice is the most important factor—most students in China do not pay enough attention to their oral English practice because they think they will not use it in their career frequently. Second, lack of the language environment is another reason. The majority of students in china will not be willing to speak English unless they are requested in class in that they will feel weird and uneasy if they use English to talk with others. In addition, some students are too shy and nervous to speak English fluently.


  Taking above general reasons into accounting, I would like to make some suggestions to avoid “mute English”. For one thing, to correct the attitude is the most important. Students have to adjust their attitude towards oral English so that they will have further motivation to practice it well. For another, practice is equally important. As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. Students should practice their oral English as much as possible. Only in this way can they get a satisfying result and avoid “mute English”.


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本文标题:2016专四作文范文:哑巴英语 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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