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  Today,my topic is "How to protect our environment?

  " Nowdays,environment problem is becoming serious,it is improtant for us to defend our environment from polluting.

  Many years ago,we countrisite,which is perfect for pople to live in,are surrounded by many trees,some of birds foughts through the blue sky,the water was much that pure,which provided mang nutrious for human beings.

  However,many factories built nearby our countriside,which led to bad affect,a varity of animals were dying out,some of bad gas given off chemney.

  What is wrose,many pollute water poured into the water,as well as many trees cut down by workers.

  What should we do ?

  Firstly,When we were shocked to see litter here and there ,we should put litters into the bin.

  Secondly,we should plant many trees near our homes and countriside.

  It is improtant for us to how to set an example to the young.

  For one thing,trees can fight aganist bad gas,for another thing ,planting trees is important to friendly enironmently.

  Finally,we should writte a letter to the government to demand change society to protect our earth even environment.

  We should pay more attention to every thing what will happen to around us.

  The most chanllange is approching,we will be filled up with a lot of bravery.

  Cheer up!

  Do not discourage!

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本文标题:2016英语专四作文预测及范文:保护环境 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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