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  91. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China .


  92. Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China .


  93. Some lay the blame for falling exports squarely on financial turmoil sweeping many Asian countries . The fact of the matter is , however , that proportionate blame should be assigned to the lackadaisical approach to developing new markets , failure to improve product quality and government inaction in the realm of support .


  94. We often ignore the real problem and instead search for a needle in a haystack . Solving problems of any kind requires one to adopt a direct approach which addresses all relevant issues .


  95. Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure . The fundamental reason for failure is most often the lack of drive on the part of the individual involved .


  96. We can , and quite often do , blame our contemporaries for personal failures , but the fact of the matter is that the root causes for most problems go much deeper .


  97. The rapidly emerging sexual revolution has been accompanied by many disturbing trends . Perhaps the most serious consequences center on the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) , rising prostitution and the rise in AIDS cases .


  98. The deep impact of opening to the outside world is readily discernible in a number of areas : the adoption of many Western habits , both good and bad ; changing social and moral values ; the trend towards individualism ; and the introduction of state-of-the-art concepts and technology . The key to adopting Western way centers on accepting the good and rejecting the bad .


  99. The arrival of the so-called " Information Age " will undoubtedly have a profound influence on our lives . The task at hand center on using the technology for beneficial purposes , while at the same time preventing intrusions of privacy and use of the electronic highway for deceitful purposes .


  100. No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens . Changes resulting therefrom have not only impacted the economic system , but the social system as well .


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