

阅读 :


  The above saying from Einstein vividly echoes a piece of quotation: stay hungry; stay foolish, which is put forward by Steven Jobs, the late CEO of Apple Inc. Undoubtedly, both of the two great men attach importance to curiosity. To some extent, we may safely maintain that without curiosity, without success.

  In the first place, curiosity is the premise of innovation, which can be seen as the key to success. Besides Einstein, a case in point is Steven Jobs, who always keeps curious, devoted to innovation. So, there is no exaggeration to say that the success of Apple Inc doesn’t suppress us at all. In the second place, the quality of being curious provides us with the drive to go forward. To put it another way, where there is curiosity, there is advancement. For example, if a scientist desires to make progress in his research community, he must hold a curious heart; otherwise, his research will eventually go into a corner.

  In conclusion, it is not too much to say that curiosity plays an indispensable role both in personal and corporate success. So, it is wise for us to bear in mind great men’s sayings concerning curiosity and practice them as much as possible.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:好奇心 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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