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  A case in point is…恰当的例子是

  A more interesting thing is that…更为有趣的是 A more important isthat…更为重要的事实是 Adjacent to紧接着 After a while过了一会儿 All the same仍然

  Another special consideration in this case is that...对此事的另一考虑是

  As an illustration作为例证 As a matter of fact事实上

  As already discussed 正如已经讨论过的 As explained before 正如已经解释过的As has been noted如上所述

  As has been said before 正如已经说过的 As has been stated如上说述

  As is often the case 正如常常发生的那样 As it is seen from...that… 由……可以看出 As mentioned above如上所述

  As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述As we can see from the above table从表上可知Aside from….除了 At any rate无论如何 At the same time同时

  At this point we agree that...就此我们同意

  Besides,we should remember that… 此外,我们应当记住 But for…要不是

  But it is a pity that...但可惜的是

  But the problem is not so simple, therefore...然而问题并非如此简单,所以

  By comparison比较起来 By contrast.对比起来 By now至此 By reason of由于 By the time到……的时候 By the way另外

  By...we mean所谓……我们指的是 Compared with…与……相比 Considering…考虑到 Contrary to…与…相反

  Contrary to all expectations出乎意料 Despite the fact that…尽管 Due to…由于

  It certainly would not be right to say that... 说…当然不行 It can be seen from this… 由此可见it follows from this.. . 由此可以得出结论 It is truethat...but... …是不错,但

  Just as we have discussed earlier正如我们早已讨论过的 Just as...,so… 正像…一样,……也……

  Moreover, we should not forget that… 而且,我们不该忘记 Next, we should allrealize that… 其次,我们都应知道 The next importantpoint is that… 下一个重要的论点是 No sooner...than... 刚…就…

  Not because... but because... 不是因为……而是因为…… Not only…but also… 不仅…而且 Not that...but that… 不是…而是 On account of由于

  On that account为了那个缘故 On the advice of... 按…的劝告 On the assumption that…假定 On the contrary 相反 On the left (ring) 在左(右)边 On the other hand另一方面 On the opposite sideof... 在…对面

  On the point we all agree that...关于这点我们都同意 On second thoughts经再三考虑

  Even if即使 Even more甚至 Even so即使如此 Even though即使 Except that...除……之外

  For a long period after...…之后一个很长时期 For all that...尽管

  For all we know据我们所知 For example例如 For instance例如

  For no other reason that…只是因为

  Forone thing…for another (thing) 一则…二则… For that matter关于这点 For the same reason同样道理 For this purpose为此目的 For this reason 由于这个 From now on今后

  Further, we hold opinion that...而且我们认为 Further, I agree that… 此外,我同意 However the difficulty lies in...然而问题在于However that may be无论怎样

  If for no other reason than…即使……也好 If so如果这样 If ... then….如果…那么In a broad sense 从广义上说 In a similar way同样 In accordance with… 根据 In addition另外

  In addition to... 除…之外 In analogy with… 与…相似 In answer to作为回答 In any case无论如何 In fact事实上

  In the latter case在后一种情况 In line with… 根据

  In much the same way as... 以大致相同的方式 In other words换句话说 In spite of the fact that..尽管In that case假使那样的话 In this case假使这样的话 In this connection 就此而论

  In view of the present situation 鉴于目前的形势

  One thing which is equally important is that… 同样重要的是

  Opposite to… 与…相反

  Others may disagree, but I believe that...其他人可能反对,但我相信

  Owing to 由于

  Perhaps you will question why ..也许你会问为什么 Seeing that... 既然

  Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同样,我们应注意 Secondly, we must notethat… 其次,我们必须注意 Thanks to the factthat… 因为 That is why… 这就是为什么

  That is the reason why… 那就是为什么 The reason is that... 理由是

  This can be expressed as follows二可以这样来表示 To take...for example 以…为例

  The problem with regard to…is that… 与……有关的问题是

  The question resolves itself into… 问题归结为

  Therefore, we should realize that…所以,我们应认识到 With regard to your proposal, I think that… 关于你的建议,我认为









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