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  Cheating in exams is rampant in universities and is considered a major problem. What's your opinion on cheating in exams?


  Cheating in Exams Leads to a Loss of Integrity

  In my opinion, cheating in an exam is a matter of one's integrity. It is easy to be dishonest and deceive other people but it is much harder to deceive one's self. A person who cheats knows they are doing the wrong thing and, as such, it is a reflection on their character.

  One reason why I, personally, do not advocate cheating is that I would lose my sense of self-respect. To me, my integrity is too valuable to risks the damage that would be caused if I were to cheat. Apart from the fact that I would know I had done the wrong thing, it would generate a concern about being found out. Another consequence of cheating is that it proves one has not acquired the knowledge necessary to warrant the qualification sought. If the cheating results in being awarded a certificate, to me, that certificate would represent a constant reminder of the stain on my integrity.

  In the final analysis, cheating comes down toll one's character and the degree of self-respect you have. I prefer to earn what I want based on my own ability and efforts rather than become a second-rate person by cheating. (197 words)


  1.Teaching right and wrong to students gives them a moral base on which to build their lives.


  2.If students are taught that cheating in exams is wrong because it is dishonest then the university is appealing to the students' higher nature,


  3.On graduation day students will feel proud that they have honestly earned their degree.


  4.Cheating in exams is self-defeating because the student is admitting that he does not know his subject.


  5.Universities who tum a blind eye towards cheating are behaving irresponsibly towards their students.


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本文标题:2018英语专四作文范文:考试作弊 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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