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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!

  Now many universities are asking their students to evaluate their teachers. Most students are excited at this, but most teachers seen to ha3d different opinions. Do you think it is a goad idea'? Write a composition of about 400 word is to state your opinion. Yon should supply a title for your composition.

  In the first pact of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In tire last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

  Benefits of Evaluating Teachers

  In the past, only teachers evaluated students, but students were not allowed to evaluate their teachers family. But new whit the idea of equality between teachers and students as well as ensuring teaching quality, many universities have asked students to evaluate teachers. People have voiced different opinions about this practice. / I think it is very beneficial for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers.

  First of all, evaluating teachers is helpful for teachers. / Information from this evaluation informs teachers of how students react both to their teaching methods and to them as individuals. Teachers can weigh the criticisms and change what they think needs to be chanced. Besides, praise from students is also valuable because it can encourage them to stick to popular teaching methods. / Therefore, teachers stand to gain a lot from such practice.

  Besides, evaluating teachers is also beneficial to school administrators. It keeps administrators in touch with what's going on in school so that they can assign teachers to ensure teaching quality. / Besides, knowing students opinion about their teachers can also help administrators coordinate the relation between the two parties, thus creating a harmonious environrnent in the school. When administrators can make use of teachers in the most efficient way and can ensure a friendly relation between teachers and students, they can make the school run smoothly like a humming machine.

  The greatest benefit, of course, should go to students. / As is mentioned above, by evaluating teachers, students can encourage teachers and administrators to offer teaching of best quality. Good teaching quality means much immediate benefit far students. / Moreover, evaluating teachers can also cultivate students' sense of ownership and a sense of responsibility. Being allowed to evaluate their teachers means that the university regard them as adults who can act in proper ways. This trust ran let students think sensibly and express cautiously ether than scribble casual continents like they might have done in the past.

  So better sense of ownership and responsibility, better administration, and better teachers represent the benefits that evaluating teachers can bring about. Although some teachers are nervous about letting students haring a say, 1 believe that in the end, the university will gain a lot as a whale.

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