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  There are certainly many teachers in a university, and different teachers teach in different ways. Now there is a growing trend among students to expert teachers to make their teaching enjoyable, adding some jokes in the process of teaching, For example. Do you think this expectation is reasonable? Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic, and you should supply a title for your composition.

  In the first pact of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In tire last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

  Enjoyable Teaching is Necessary

  As a saying goes, there are no two peas that are exactly the same. Similarly, there cannot be two teachers that are exactly same. They may possess different amount of knowledge, hold different attitude to students, and more importantly, exhibit different teaching manners. We have suffered some classes where the teacher only talks about textbooks and pays little attention to students' feeling; we have also enjoyed some classes where the leather encourages understanding and participation while teaching knowledge. I strongly believe that teachers should make their teaching more enjoyable.

  The first benefit from enjoyable teaching should make their teaching more enjoyable. University courses arc usually about complex and abstract topics, so students usually find it hard to remember the Leaching contents. If teachers can try to make their teaching enjoyable, what they teach can become easy to remember. / A course about classical art in Western Europe which 1 tank last year can he a good example. As the course covered many arts in different countries, it was very difficult to remember the key ideas. But rather than giving dry talks, the teacher used slides, video clips, and several games in his class. Most of the students said that they never expect this course to be so easy.

  Besides, enjoyable teaching can also help students avoid various distractions. University students are a curious group: they are energetic and are willing to try everything they are interested in. Nowadays, university is no longer a locked garden, and students are faced with various attractions, such as computer games, internet chatting, making money, and the opposite sex. They may keep students from focusing their mind on study. But if the teaching is attractive, the teacher can attract students' interest, thus preventing them from engaging in other harmful activities. / A recent research also indicates that in universities that encourage enjoyable teaching method, students tend to pay more attention to study and academic achievement.

  Thirdly, enjoyable teaching can help establish good teacher.-student relationship. / In university students should not only acquire knowledge, but also learn to grow up to be a person, therefore university should also be a place where teachers arid students learn to be friends, if a teacher just talk about knowledge in class and pay no attention to students' interests and feelings, they cannot possibly become friends. If a teacher tries to make his teaching enjoyable, however, he can surely encourage students to participate in class, and in this process, there will he more interaction between them, thus making the foundation far them to become friends.

  From the above discussion, we can safely conclude that enjoyable teaching can bring many benefits. It cannot only help students remember the teaching Content and focus better an their study, but also help students and teachers to become friends. / Therefore, it can be predicted that if all teachers learn to teach in enjoyable ways, students will not only become better learners, but also better persons. When this comes true, our society is sure to see much brighter future.


  本文要讨论的是enjoyable teaching好不好的问题,所以作者把作文题目定为enjoyable teaching is necessary,相当于直接回答了这个问题、作者从帮助学生记住授课内容、专注于学习、以及建立良好的师生关系三个方面说明了enjoyable teaching的好处,完全可以满足文章对一内容的要求。三段的论据以逻辑推理为主,同时也有个人经历和专家证言,这使文章内容更加充分!


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