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in the battle of poitiers in 1356, archibald douglas, a scottish noble who fought with the french against the english, was taken prisoner. sir william ramsay, seeing him, flew into a rage and cried out,"you damnable murderer! how comes it that you are decked out in your master's armour? come hither and pull off my boots." douglas did as he was ordered, and ramsay beat douglas around the head with a boot.

the english bystanders interposed, and said that the person he had beaten was certainly of great rank. "he?" cried ramsay. "he is a base knave and, as i suppose, had killed his master. go, you villain, to the field. search for the body of my cousin, your master, and bring it back that i may give him a decent burial. get you gone; fly!" and douglas was soon out of his enemies' reach.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:打者,爱也(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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