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  Should Universities Lower Admission Requirementsfor Celebrities


  It is not rare to hear that some universities lowertheir admission requirements for celebrity students,such as a pop singer or an Olympic medal winner.Some people think it is unfair to other students, andthe universities are utilitarian. But others hold theopinion that the celebrities can’t be blamed for theirwanting to go to universities to improve themselves. They make contributions or have talents,so it is justified for universities to accept them with a relatively low requirement. From my pointof view, universities should reasonably lower the admission requirements for celebrities, that is,although the requirementslowered, there must still be a principle.


  On the one hand, it is of great significance for celebrities to be enrolled into universities. Takethe Olympic winners for example. They started training since they were little children. Theycontribute their boundless wisdom and painstaking efforts to raising the level of ourcountry’s sport competition. Lowering the admission requirements for them is theencouragement and support to their great achievements. It is also beneficial for them to domore contribution to the society after they retire if they receive high education and acquiremore knowledge. What’s more, it is a way to combine the high education with competitiontraining, and promote the career of sports. The celebrities make great contributions or havespecial talents. The universities should consider the situation fully and lower the admissionrequirements accordingly.


  On the other hand, not all the celebrities can be accepted into universities. The standard can belowered but can’t be lowered without limit. The celebrities with primary school education orjunior middle schooleducation should not be admitted to universities, because the higheducation is after senior high middle school. And the celebrities have to finish all the coursesand pass all the exams. In my opinion, two principles should be considered. One is theeducation of senior middle school. The other is the credits required by the university. That’s tosay, the celebrities should pay more attention to the study of knowledge, and they mustcomplete their studies.


  To sum up, we should be sensible about lowering admission requirements for celebrities. Forthe celebrities who make contributions and have the capacity, universities should providechances and give them special requirements. But for those who are not suitable, theuniversities should not lower the standard without limit.


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