Should We Ban Internet Slang in News and FormalDocuments?
The Internet slang words have become very popularamong young people. They use terms such as “CU”for “see you” and “PK” for “competition”. But nowthe Internet slang terms are forbidden in officialdocuments, news broadcasts and textbooks inShanghai. The public hold different views on theregulation. Some people think such kind of terms will rock our traditional language. Butothers say the terms are vivid and accurate. There is no need to ban them. As far as I amconcerned, we should not simply ban the Internet slang terms, but distinguish the good fromthe bad, and guide people to use the language appropriately.
Some people hold the negative opinion about the Internet slang terms. They think the youngpeople are in the critical period of learning the knowledge and forming their values. For them, itis very important to use the standard language. In the virtue world, they use language at theirwill. If such kind of language is used in news and formal documents, it will do harm to thehealthy development of language, even to our tradition and culture.
Their worries are justified, but the language has its own regulations as it is developing. As aflexible language, the Internet language has the feature of newness simplicity and humor,which can help to make thetext vivid and interesting. This kind of language is with the featureof the times. In the early 20th century, Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu advocated to use the classicalChinese. At first, it was criticized seriously. But the reality proved the worth of the movement.In the development of language, there will be new words and terms, some of which are living,and some are not.
The good Internet slang terms will help our language become better and richer. As for somenot-so-good ones, they will be washed out naturally. Some Internet slang terms have the sameform with the characters, and the meaning they have are relatively stable. So they are verylikely to enter the classical Chinese. So we should not factitiously ban the new-born words andterms in news and documents. The fittest will survive.In conclusion, we should not ban theInternet slang terms in news and official documents.If the vigorousInternet slang terms canstand the test of time, they will be accepted at last.