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1) To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to...(可用于分析建议类、原因分析类等议论文)2) In the face of...some people take the position that.../some people come to believe that..., to which I can't attach/add my consent.(可用于批驳分析类议论文)或:In the face of...people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/position s/standpoints.(可用于各抒己见类议论文)或:In the face of...many people have come up with...(可用于对比分析类议论文和知识性说明文等)3) But many people feel puzzled about/perplexed at/over whelmed with...(the changes/situation), so this essay is intended to...(可用于批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)4) Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still set my heart on...(可用于理由陈述类议论文)5) To get a sense of how...we must turn first to causes for it/to what benefit (harm/problems/difference) it has brought to our society.(可用于分析建议和原因分析类议论文)6) This is a (n) favorable/unfavorable/unhealthy/essential/marked/grateful change/tendency/situation, but factors/causes/reasons for it are not hard to find(或but its appearance/existence derives from a variety of factors).(用于原因分析类议论文)7) The progress/improvement/change(s) really tremendous/remarkable/prodigious/marvelous, so it is necessary to understand (see) what it (they) illustrate (s)/prove(s)/account(s) for.(用于原因分析类议论文和知识性说明文)8) A comparison between these changes may be a good way to learn more about...(可用于对比说明文)9) More insight/inspiration/truth/thought can be deduced from these changes.(可用于知识性说明文)10) This situation/phenomenon/trend/tendency is rather distressing/disturb- ing/depressing/heart-rending, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/just what is to be expected.(可用于分析建议、批驳分析和原因分析等议论文)

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