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  世界变得越来越小(the world is getting smaller and smaller)

  in ancient times, transportation was very inconvenient. that’s why the attendants of lady yang yuhuan had to spend several days bringing her favorite litchi from the south to xi’an. now, however, it only takes two or three hours for delivery by plane. modern transportation seems to have shortened the distance.

  owing to the convenience of modern transportation, people make contact with each other more frequently. they no longer regard a foreigner on the street as a monster. besides, people of different nationalities are getting to know and understand each other better.

  to sum up, with more and more advanced means of transportation, and more and more frequent contact among distant people, the world tends to be like one big family. no wonder that most of us feel that the world is getting smaller and smaller.

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本文标题:专八作文范文:世界变得越来越小 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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