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  人类战胜自然(can man triumph over nature)

  ever since humanbeings come into being, we had never stopped the action to put our feet on each inch of land we can find. we fight against nature, at first, for survival. our nation buildup the reservoir for not only preventing flood but also generating electricity. this well proved that we can conquer nature and make it serve us better. secondly, some people taking fighting against nature as a challenge of life, a way to gain honor. the climbing of everest will be an exact instance here. however, nature has never give up trying to give man a lesson now and then. the earthquake of tang shan china in 1976 and the ground sea of india in 2004, nature reminded us of her unconquerable power by unanswerable facts.

  now, as you can see, we have the problem, it seems that we have never triumph over nature as nature did to us. when it is hard to draw a conclusion, dialectic is in favor of us. contradictory evidence requires us think about the question dialectic. then we get it. neither man or nature can triumph over each other. if we go our own way shortsightedly, we will finally reap as we have sown: worse crisis of resource, worse pollution of invironment.

  so brightly future just depends on a harmonious relationship with nature.

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