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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!



  4)What's more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. 住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上

  5)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.


  6)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要

  7)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.兼职可以让学生们学习个人技巧,这样可以在找工作时更有竞争力

  8)By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.学生不仅可以提高学习成绩,还可以获得在课本上学不到的工作经验


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