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  Should Universities Charge High Tuition Fees?


  Nowadays,most universities require students to pay for their education, and the tuition fees have been staying very high. Some people take the development of the universities into consideration and support the high fees; while others think the high cost of university education is a heavy burden for many families. As far as I am concerned, universities are not institutions for profits,they are places for excellent students to learn and further study equally, so they should not charge high tuition fees that some families cannot afford.

  In the first place, the high tuition fees make the families save money for the children instead of consuming. A university student will need 12,000 yuan each year on average,which is almost the income of a couplewho are wage earners. In other words, a family with an average income will spend their long-term hard-earned savings, or they will be indebted. What’s worse, most families’incomes in our country are below the average level. The high fees make the people save money for the children’s education even before they are born.

  In the second place, the high tuition fees will deprive the children from poor families of their right of education. Entering universities on their abilities is the only hope for the poor students to change their destiny. But the increasingly higher tuition fees make it impossible. The statistic shows that there were 60%~70% students coming from the country areas when the charging system was not introduced. But now the percentage is only 30% or so. The universities will become the paradise of children from rich families, and the poor students will be forced to leave.

  Finally, it will be much more difficult for the graduates to find jobs. Driven by the profits of high tuition fees, universities recruit more and more students year by year.The outcome of expansion leads to the low standard of enrollment and low quality of education. The supply exceeds demand; there are not so many jobs for the graduates, so most of them can not find jobs when getting out of school.

  All in all, high tuition fees in the universities will influence the development of the society and harm the interests of students. The universities should charge reasonable tuition fees, provide equal opportunities for students and take the responsibility of molding the future of our nation.

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本文标题:2018专八写作范文:大学是否该收取高额学费? - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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