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  What Unemployment Brings to China

  Fifteen years ago, the word "unemployment" was regarded as the most estranged word and the patent of capitalism. It is all of a sudden for millions of Chinese workers, especially in textile,to find that their ever well profited factories nearly bankrupt and themselves unemployed. Some criticize it as a cruel killer to the security of society. However, the advantages of "unemployment", in my opinion, outweigh the disadvantages in the long

  To begin with, "unemployment" readjusts the industrial structure of the state-owned enterprises, which shows more and more defects. It is undeniable that products made in China have less competitive power compared with imported ones. Because the whole structure of our industry is labour intensive, which is now tangled with high cost and low efficiency. The first initiative to solve the problem, ruthless but useful, is to cut down the extra workers, which, in effect, save some dying enterprises from the edge of bankruptcy and enhance their efficiency and competitiveness.

  "Unemployment" in some traditional industries, on the contrary, stimulates the development of some new industries, such as service industry, which create many jobs for those layoffs,which, in turn, stimulate the industry to prosper, as becomes an increasingly important part of the social economy.

  Another profound influence "unemployment" brings is that it has uprooted the traditional outdated modes of thought, carved in our minds, fiercely and thoroughly, that a lifelong job no longer exists. The era of planned economy has come to its end.Tough competition has terminated the security of job and one should prepare himself for the corresponding transformation of society. "Run, or lose" becomes the golden rule of commodity economy. Amazingly, more and more layoffs took the lesson,made proper adjustment and then find themselves new positions.

  "Unemployment", as an unavoidable economic phenomenon, is pounding on our out dated social system strongly. It is like a rainstorm that uproots the traditional modes of thought and brings life to the diversified industries, transforming the traditional industries and washing away the deep-rooted but outdated thoughts. Face it properly and we will have a shining future.

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本文标题:英语专八作文范文:失业给中国带来了什么 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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