

阅读 :



  A sense of humor,God's greatest gift to mankind,is universally considered the most valuable personality.It is born within every person's heart,but has to be cultivated.A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers,or like a dish without seasoning.In a sense,your personality lies in your sense of humor.

  Humor can improve physical as well as mental well-being.It helps us bear our burdens,lessen our tension,overcome our frustration.With a piece of joke,all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke,and we are full of vigor once again.

  Humor helps us live in harmony with others.It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study.But humor can ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels.With it you can always keep on good terms with others.

  A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness.It gives fun and zest to life to make it worth living.

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本文标题:2016英语专八作文范文:幽默感的重要性 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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